Big Data

How JellyTech can help you grow your business?

Big Data

Data, data, data everywhere ... Today, information is the most valuable of currencies. The capacity of modern data sets is basically unlimited, which allows for the collection of information not only in a systematic manner - where their use is known in advance, but also in redundant manner - with the purpose of potential future use, without specifying in advance what the information was collected for. the data will prove useful in business operations.

How to deal with such huge data sets? How to process them? How to get credible, business-friendly guidance in making decisions? To these and many other questions, the answer is to use Big Data tools.

A proven technology partner
in Big Data

Big data sets, thousands of interrelationships between thousands of parameters, plus time pressure and the final expectation that business decisions will be optimal. In today's competitive reality, it is commonplace, and choosing the right technology partner is one of the main success factors.

At JellyTech, we understand the needs of modern business and specialize in creating solutions supporting decision-making, as well as allowing to automate processes in all areas of our clients' operations.

We use the latest artificial intelligence algorithms, machine learning and expert systems to implement comprehensive optimization and decision support systems.

A specialized team
and experience

Thanks to our experience, experts and proven tools, we provide reliable and quick access to data, and then their processing, analysis and final presentation of the analysis results.

For over 15 years we have been dealing with, among others:

  • downloading data from source systems: flat files, relational and non-relational databases, data lakes, data marts
  • data processing: ETL and ELT processes, batch and stream data processing, work with metadata, data cleaning and enrichment
  • designing the architecture of data processing systems: traditional databases and data warehouses (including those using batch systems), data lakes
  • infrastructure supporting data engineering: public cloud, local servers (on-premise), hybrid solutions, virtualization and containerization

Technologies and tools

Big Data Analytics within Big Data requires the use of distributed systems in conjunction with database management systems (DBMS).

The multitude of available systems of this type requires great flexibility in the selection and use of tools for extracting data from them.

Therefore, from the beginning of JellyTech's existence, we adopted the principle of technology agnostic, and the technology stacks used by us in Big Data applications include, among others:

Apache Samza
Apache Storm
Talend OS
Informatica Powercenter
Power Bi

Who we have worked for

JellyTech works with over 40 clients from the financial, telecommunications, insurance, gas and energy, pharmacy,public and retail sectors.

Case Studies

Over 16 years of activity on the market have resulted in over 200 successful implementations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with selected Case Studies (references available on request)!

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